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71% More Likely to Purchase Based on Social Media Referrals

by Cara McGinnis • October 24, 2013
Have you heard it – Inbound Marketing? Well, if you have, you are on top of it, if you haven’t, here is more insight from Hubspot on why Inbound Marketing is IN and Outbound Marketing, is well, OUT.

Consumers connect, rate, discuss, and consume product information and reviews like never before, making a strong online presence paramount for all sizes of ecommerce businesses. Ecommerce inbound marketing makes it possible for online stores to take advantage of the emerging social revolution by gravitating consumers to their own brands and products, driving organic and social media traffic and sales.

What’s IN:
  • 63% of social media users feel that consumer ratings are number 1.
  • 90% of consumers believe brand recommendations from their friends.
  • 70% believe consumer opinions – this means people trust strangers over advertisements.
  • 61% of consumers use search engines to read about products before a purchase.
  • 71% of consumers more likely to purchase when referred by social media.

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